Unsafe OP#anime#penis#figure#figurine#cock#action#toy#peniswithtoy#doll#exorcist#megami#precum Exorcist approaches, a look of worry spread across her face. "I don't like what you're doing, it's scaring me. You look all raw and red, you're beating yourself up." The giant doesn't seem to care about her words, and violently grips what Exorcist once called her "pet". She forces herself inside the grasp, trying to push the hand away. The giant relents briefly, and lifts her closer. "Please stop. I don't know what you're trying to prove, but I hope this isn't because of what Lancer said the other day. I'm worried you're going to really hurt yourself." She jumps down. "Look, your nect- your precum is all cloudy. That's not right." She tenderly holds on. "Hands off for a bit, give yourself a break. If I catch you again, I'll never talk to you again, I'll just act like a doll when you're around." She pulls out a bit of cloth. "Let's clean you up, you're filthy."
Exorcist takes such good care of her "pet"